traditional open-air whale meat market in JapanTraditional market selling whale meat in Japan.

Kyodo Senpaku Co., a Japanese whaling operator has opened their third Kujira (Whale) Store, which features three unmanned vending machines selling a variety of whale products, according to AP.

The whale meat prices range from 1,000 yen ($7.70) to 3,000 yen ($23) and you can purchase Whale sashimi, whale bacon, whale skin, whale steak, and canned whale meat.

Whale bacon

“There are many major supermarkets that are afraid of being harassed by anti-whaling groups so they won’t offer whale. So, there are many people who want to eat whale but they can’t. Therefore, we are opening stores with the thought that we can provide a place where those people can eat the product.” said Hideki Tokoro, President of the Kyodo Senpaku Co in an interview with South China Morning Post.

Whaling and the eating of whale meat is very controversial around the world and in Japan itself. Many Japanese people see the practice as cruel and unnecessary and site declining whale populations and other environmental issues as reasons the practice should be banned. However, others in the country site their long history of whaling and the extensive use of whale meat, especially after World War II, as an important part of their unique food culture.

You can watch the full report by South China Morning Post below.

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